Waiting and Working
September 28, 2023Dear friends and family,
Our return to Chad has been delayed for several reasons, and we are still in America. We just wanted to share a quick update.
We praise God for traveling mercies after traveling close to 7000 miles around the country, visiting churches and family. Thank you to everyone for the speaking invitations and for the visits we had.
Our return to Chad has been delayed for various reasons. Our most recent delay relates to a finding in Liliana's routine eye examination; this resulted in our driving back up to Minnesota for further testing. We praise the Lord that the results were positive, and that she is apparently clear of any serious condition.
Last Sabbath our son Gideon was baptized in a beautiful mountain stream in Tennessee. He desires to serve the Lord and be faithful to Him for the rest of His life. We are very happy for his decision, and have enjoyed seeing him growing spiritually over the years.
Gideon's baptism
Let me share a short story from one of our workers. He was recently in the capital for about a month to acquire his drivers license. While there, he distributed over 700 tracts to various people. He shared this experience:
"After the bus ride, I got off the bus and tried to share some tracts with another traveler. He declined the tracts, but I tried again with the tract entitled, 'Alcohol, is it a Good Choice?'. This time he was interested and accepted the tract, and we exchanged phone numbers.
About a week later, he called my phone and asked if I could meet him at his house. So we set an appointment and I met with him. His father shared with me how happy he was that I had shared this tract with his son. 'My son is an alcoholic. God sent you with this tract to help him wake up and realize the dangers of alcohol. Thank you so much.'
They were so impressed and wanted more literature to read. I was able to show them some of our books and they bought three: Desire of Ages, Steps to Christ, and a devotional book entitled Ye Shall Receive Power. I also gave him a copy of The Great Controversy."
We will never know until heaven the full affect of the thousands of tracts and books being distributed. Please join with me in praying for all the literature being produced. Because of the printed page, people are being drawn closer to Jesus Who is the source of life and truth.
If you would like to learn more about how you may help our work financially or to volunteer, please click the How to Help link at the top of the screen.
In His service,
Jonathan, Melody, Gideon, Liliana, and Eliora Dietrich